Categories: Tips for Parents

What to Do or Not Before an Exam

You already have studied for hours and your exam is tomorrow? What is next in your preparation? Here is a list that might help you to determine the best actions for the day before an exam. Understanding what should be done or avoid can definitively save your grade.

To integrate the advice below to your pre-exam routine may help you to be efficiently prepared for your upcoming exams. Completing regular study sessions is obviously the first exam preparation step, but there are various other factors to consider :

  • Banish all-nighter study. Sleeping complete nights before your exams will actually bring you more benefits than staying up all night for last minute study. Without REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, your brain will not remember anything from the study night and neither will be able to recall older learnings. Ready or not for your exam, it would be better for your performance to choose a full night sleep.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to study your material. Studying should be done over time, not being compressed on the day before an exam. Using a small amount of time each day to review your class notes will improve your memory faculties to assimilate knowledge. By the time the exam comes around, you will feel confident in your preparation and will not be tempted to spend the night studying. Use the day preceding your exam as a time to rest and exclusively review the topics you think you might struggle with.
  • Do not study until bedtime. Make sure you place your brain in a state of rest prior to going to sleep. Prefer a quiet enjoyable activity, such as reading a book or listen to music. This downtime will allow your brain to slow down and let you fall asleep peacefully. Stop any study at least half an hour before joining your bed.
  • Do not stay in your desk chair all day. Although students feel they need to be preparing without breaks to maximize the remaining time, it is preferable to get some physical activity. Book at least half an hour in your pre-exam schedule for a pleasant activity that will allow your brain to oxygen. Reasonable physical effort increases your brain’s functions. Get up and move for success!
  • Do not neglect a break for food. Your brain requires fuel from alimentation to operate on the highest level. By taking breaks to eat healthy meals, your brain will be more prepared to memorize and recall the relevant information. Eat well portioned healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, all days!


Always consider your brain faculties as related to your body health. Your body needs to be also prepared and rested for your exams. In order to best learn and recall the material, focus on your body’s and mind’s needs. This involves taking small breaks throughout the day. Remember that overworking your brain is just as bad as not studying at all. If you find yourself struggling to remember the material, try to begin the study process sooner for the next exam. A mistake is not, if we retain a lesson.

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