High School Entrance Exam Preparation

High School Entrance Exam Preparation

High School Entrance Exam Preparation

Does your child want to be accepted into their dream school?
Put the odds on your side!

Registration closed

Success-Driven Program

For over 14 years, School Success has offered an excellent high school entrance exam preparation program. Equipping your child with the necessary tools and confidence for success, our tailored approach focuses on personalized support. Our tutors, specially trained for this program, will establish an action plan adapted to your child's situation, aiming to optimize their exam success. Over 5000 students have benefited from this preparation program, with over 92% of them being accepted into their school of choice.

How do we prepare the students?

  • The Exam Simulation

    Our program dedicated to preparing students for high school entrance exams starts with a three-hour at-home exam simulation. These simulations replicate real exam conditions, providing students with an immersive experience.

  • The Evaluation Report

    The simulated exam evaluation is swift. Within seven days of the simulation, you will receive a complete evaluation report, which will provide you with the exam results and all the notions requiring review. This evaluation is the key to our program. It will clearly provide clear insights into your child's progress and guiding targeted learning objectives.

  • Personalized support

    School Success offers certified tutors to help your child. Our one-on-one online tutoring sessions are tailored to your child's needs, adapting to the results of their diagnostic exam. Individual help allows us to address your child's unique challenges and provide them with tips and tricks in order to succeed. For comprehensive revision, we recommand approximately 12 hours of tutoring.


Who is the program for?

Our program is designed for students who have completed their 5th year and are contemplating enrollment in a private or international French-speaking high schools. These schools often require applicants to undergo an admission process, such as passing an entrance exam. Also, our program is perfect for revisiting previous concepts, as it provides detailed feedback on areas to focus on, for the upcoming school year.

When and how do I get registered?

Registration was open from April 15 to September 15, 2024. Unfortunately, sign-ups are now closed. Contact us for more details on next year’s registration.

What are the simulation dates?

The exam can be completed by your child between July 2nd and September 22nd, 2024.

Where does the exam simulation take place?

The exam simulation takes place online.

What subjects are covered in the exam simulation?

The exam simulation covers the concepts and subjects studied during the 5th year of primary school and consists of 5 parts: grammar, reading comprehension, writing production, mathematics, and logic. The simulation also provides an opportunity to test your child's time and stress management!

What preparation is required before the exam simulation?

No preparation is necessary. The exam simulation allows your child to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the targeted concepts.

What is the duration of the exam simulation?

The exam simulation lasts approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes. We encourage you to prepare a small snack.

Is tutoring required?

Tutoring is not mandatory, but we suggest that students who have scored below the class average consider attending sessions to address any difficulties they encounter (such as lack of time, work organization, revisions, etc.).

Is tutoring included in the preparation program?

The preparation program includes the exam simulation, correction, and evaluation report. If you decide to benefit from our individual tutoring service, the registration fee is complimentary and remains valid for tutoring services. However, tutoring hours are not included in the program since not all students will require them.

How long does it take to receive the evaluation report?

The evaluation report will be sent to you via email within 7 days following the submission of your child's completed test.
*Kindly be advised that sharing the exam and questionnaire post-simulation is not feasible.

Who are the tutors providing the tutoring sessions?

Tutoring for high school entrance exams or for remedial support is provided by tutors selected from among the primary level tutors at School Success. They will be able to tailor the sessions to your child's needs based on the evaluation report and your child's results.

When should I book a tutor to help my child?

Upon receiving the evaluation report, you will also receive a registration form for our tutoring services. If you wish to schedule tutoring sessions, regardless of your child's performance on the practice exam, a tutor will be matched with your child within seven to ten days of receiving their tutoring registration.

Is my child guaranteed to pass?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that your child will be accepted to their school of choice. Many factors come into play (student's record, late for the exam, illness, etc.). However, over 92% of students who have completed our program have been admitted to a private or international school.

What is School Success ?

School Success is a Quebec-based company offering personalized tutoring services for each student’s needs. Since 2006, more than 55 000 students have benefited from Scholl Success's various services, including remedial classes, exam preparation, homework help, entrance exam preparation, enrichment and summer classes.

By combining the benefits of a personalized approach, the involvement of certified tutors, and the advantages of educational technology, School Success is able to position itself as a leader in academic support. To learn more, please visit the About section on our website.

Registration closed

For any questions, please contact us at 1 877 988-8672

Satisfied Client Testimonials from Program Participants

  • Nous sommes très satisfaits de la qualité du support offert à notre fils pour la préparation des examens. Le programme a été personnalisé et en relation avec ses forces et faiblesses mises en évidence lors de l'examen préparatoire.

  • Je suis très satisfaite des services rendus par Succès Scolaire. Mon fils a passé avec succès l'examen d'admission aux deux meilleures écoles du Québec que sont les collèges Brébeuf et Regina Assumpta. Alors quoi de mieux! Il a finalement choisi Brébeuf au grand plaisir de ses parents. Le collège Brébeuf a formé beaucoup de personnalités politiques de renom, de médecins, de dentistes, dont le cousin de mon garçon.

  • Nous avons été très satisfaits des services offerts et de la relation avec la tutrice, Stéphany. Nous n'hésiterons pas à recommander vos services.

  • Nous sommes très contents de l'aide apportée par Christina et notre fils pourra ainsi fréquenter l'école de son choix pour les 5 prochaines années.

  • Je vous remercie infiniment et continuez toujours dans la bonne voie afin d'aider les jeunes à performer dans l'école de leur choix et à devenir plus tard de bons citoyens.

  • Nous voulons vous remercier (toute l'équipe) et spécialement Hélène la tutrice de César. César a eu succès dans les trois examens. Merci Hélène d'avoir aidé César à réétudier les matières, à clarifier ses questions, et surtout merci de l'avoir aidé à réaffirmer la confiance en lui-même.

  • Marilou est incroyable. Elle a su stimuler ma fille de façon qu'aucun professeur n'avait réussi auparavant. Elle a même rattrapé tout le retard académique qu'elle avait pris ces dernières années.

  • Notre fille était en parfaite symbiose avec la tutrice. Elle a eu beaucoup de plaisir (et oui, en plein mois d'août!) à étudier et aurait adoré continuer les rencontres.

  • Le tuteur était très disponible et mon enfant était totalement en confiance. Les trucs qu'il lui a donnés étaient très pertinents.

  • J'ai eu recours aux services Succès Scolaire avec mes deux enfants qui ont obtenu les deux leurs premiers choix d'école secondaire. C'est une institution qui m'a énormément aidée et que je recommanderais à tous mes amis et leurs enfants ont des difficultés. Votre service à la clientèle est formidable. Je me sens soutenue par votre équipe. Bravo et bonne continuité!

  • J'aimerais remercier Succès Scolaire, et plus particulièrement Guillaume qui a fait toute la différence dans le succès de mon enfant. Guillaume a été d'une aide inestimable pour permettre à mon enfant d'affronter les examens avec confiance et fierté.

  • J'ai adoré l'approche et l'enseignement de la tutrice de mon fils l'an dernier. Il est allé au Centre toutes les semaines et cela a contribué à l'obtention d'excellentes notes et augmenté sa moyenne. Merci à toute l'équipe.

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